e-ISSN 2231-8542
ISSN 1511-3701
Nur Afiqah Hani Abdul Rashid, Rosnah Shamsudin, Siti Hajar Ariffin, Wan Nor Zanariah Zainol@Abdullah and Puteri Nurain Megat Ahmad Azman
Pertanika Journal of Tropical Agricultural Science, Volume 32, Issue 2, March 2024
DOI: https://doi.org/10.47836/pjst.32.2.13
Keywords: Canarium odontophyllum, correlations, fractions, physical properties
Published on: 26 March 2024
Dabai fruit is an exotic and seasonal fruit in Sarawak. Among the varieties available, the Song variety was chosen due to better taste and high demand amongst local consumers. This study determined the physical properties of dabai (Song variety) at three different fractions: whole fruit, nut, and kernel. According to the results, whole fruit had the highest values in geometric mean diameter (27.86 mm), volume (12.70 cm3), mass (13.89 g), surface area (2442.60 mm2) and angle of repose (39.06°) when compared to nut and kernel. Bulk density of dabai nut reached the highest with the value of 0.63 gcm-3. Kernel had the highest percentage of porosity (80.50) compared to others. The correlations of physical properties between whole fruit, nut and kernel were further analysed using Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The findings can potentially be useful in the design of handling and processing equipment.
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ISSN 1511-3701
e-ISSN 2231-8542