e-ISSN 2231-8542
ISSN 1511-3701
A.S. Babji, M.N. Nuri, J. Suherman, and M.Y. Seri Chempaka
Pertanika Journal of Tropical Agricultural Science, Volume 23, Issue 2, September 2000
Keywords: burger, local, franchise, microbiology, composition, meat content
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Six brands of local beef and chicken burgers, three brands of franchise beef and two brands of franchise chicken burgers were evaluated for proximate composition, myoglobin and meat content, colour (L, a, b values) and microbiology composition i.e. Total Plate Count (CFU/gm), Coliform and Escherichia coli Counts (MPN/gm), Staphylococus aureus Count (CFU/gm) and presence of Salmonella sp. All franchise beef burgers had higher protein and moisture contents (except burger C) and lower carbohydrate content than the local brands. No significant differences (p > 0.05) in fat, ash and crude fibre contents were observed between local brands and franchise beef burgers. Most local brands of chicken burgers had lower levels of protein and moisture and higher levels of fat, fibre and carbohydrate than the franchises. No significant differences (p > 0.05) in ash content was observed between the local brands and franchise chicken burgers. All beef burgers had low myoglobin and meat contents (<65%) with the exception of A1, F1 and G1 burgers. Chicken burgers, E1, F1 and franchise burger B had higher meat content (>65%) than the others. All beef and chicken burgers had higher 'L' values which ranged between 45.13% to 53.68% and 62.75% to 72.48% respectively except F1 which was darker. Local brands of beef burgers had a higher 'a' value compared to the franchises and all chicken burgers had a low 'a" value except Fl which was redder. Low Total Plate Count, Coliform and E. coli counts were detected in all burger samples. S. aureus counts in most local brands of beef and chicken burger samples were higher than the franchises which ranged from 2 to 11 CFU/gm sample and 6 to 22 CFU/gm sample respectively. Salmonella sp was not present in all burger samples.
ISSN 1511-3701
e-ISSN 2231-8542